If you have had your eye on a certain tattoo for quite some time, then brace yourself for some pain. Tattoos are not everyone’s cup-of-tea, and if someone tells you that it did not hurt to get a tiny heart needled onto their finger, their pain tolerance may be different from yours.

Let us establish one thing, tattoos hurt. There are no ifs or buts involved in this situation. People have been practicing the tattoo culture from ages when the remote concept of anesthesia wasn’t even a thought.

For some, even young adults and teenagers tattoos have signified coming of age or there entrance into manhood, but have these experiences been painless? No. You will come across some of the most elaborate tattoos, displaying a story on the bodies of tattoo enthusiasts.  This picture may give you the impression that this may be not as painful as it is hyped to be, but if you trust anything the internet says, then tattoo pain is real.

Celebrities and influencers are a huge part of the tattoo culture, fans and followers will try to get something similar done just to show appreciation for a specific celebrity. Where some parts of the body were once not the most tattoo-able places, anything is possible today with technology playing a vast role in the needling procedure.

Before getting a tattoo, you need to be aware of a few things. There is a relation of the amount of agony you will suffer and the location of the tattoo. Not all tattoos because the same degree of pain and not all people similarly feel pain.

However, you can go through a pain chart and prepare your mind for the potential pain you may suffer. Your first tattoo experience may not be that pleasant, but you will get used to the jabbing and poke eventually. Of course, the blood and plasma oozing from the wounds do not paint an appealing picture, so prepare yourself beforehand for this experience.

Some tattoo enthusiasts will argue that tattoos do not hurt as much as you’d think, but the truth is that it depends on your pain threshold. Scurrying through the web looking for information regarding the placement and painfulness of tattoos certainly helps



These 10 body zones can be a bit over some people’s pain tolerance, but all is worth it at the end when you walk out with a piece of art immortalized on your body.


1.- Head

2.- Chest

3.- Armpit

4.- Inner Arm

5.- Elbows

6.- Hands

7.- Sternum

8.- Ribs


9.- Back of Knee


10.- Feet